
Topic: Advertising/PR

How Do You Market To Latinos?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
i advertise in local papers and get no response.
i live in el paso tx. which is 85% hispanic.
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  • Posted byCarl Crawfordon Member

    Have a read of a few of the artical in this search.

    也可以你tell us what the product/service is?
    Whats the USP (unique selling propsition) eg what makes you different ?
    Why should they choose you over the competition?
    Can you post a copy of the advertisment so we can critique it?
    Are you sure that your market even reads the paper?

    With your current info there is no much we can do.
  • Posted on Accepted
    You have to find out from your target population what their interest are. Also your copy Ad should focus more on the benefit than the feature. Think about the benefits your clients will get from using your product and write an Ad based on that. Sometimes you have to use different medium to find success. Ask the paper for the demographics and see how that information will affect targeting the population you want.

    In addition, I think you have to do a market research and see what your clients need and be able to full fill that need quickly and eloquently. That is what marketing is all about. Hope this helps. Good luck :)

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