
Topic: Student Questions

Ethical Issues In Marketing

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I'm taking a business ethics course this semester, and we have a project that requires us to select an ethical dilemma that one would encounter in the business world, and analyze the topic. I'm just looking for as many suggestions as possible before I make my final list of choices, and ultimately, my final decision.
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  • Posted by卡尔·克劳福德on Accepted
    好试typing "unethical companies" into google and see what you come up with. Or you might even try "ethical dilemma"

    Some well know ones are:

    Ford (the ford pinto)
    Nestle (3rd world countries)
    Mc Donalds
    Union Carbied

    just too name a few.
  • Posted bytelemoxieon Accepted
    Sorry to badmouth my own industry... but if you simply do a Google search on the word "Telemarketing" you will be confronted with a number of hits involving questionable marketing practices...

    I don't know what country you are calling from, but the "Do Not Call" legislation and the "CAN-Spam" legislation involves issues with basic freedoms of free speech and freedom of the press. These issues are timely in that many folks are unaware of their violations of these laws. As a sales person or marketer, you may be asked to do something which is not only unethical, but also illegal.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Go to Starbucks and check out the environment and social issues of growing and buying coffee. There are MANY -- and you can Google for pros, cons, and articles on this.

    Think of recalls -- autos.

    Think of scares -- Tylenol (the ethics of tampering and the responsibility to the public)

    Think of Exxon Valdez (environmental responsibility)

    Think of Enron... (just basic integrity and executive responsibility, for cryin' out loud)

    Think of Wal-Mart (it's hiring, benefits, and "takeover the small town" practices -- is this ethical)

    What fun! -- Really, you have no shortage of possibilities. The issue will be focus.

    Best of luck!

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