Using AI for Personalized Marketing at Scale

In today's busy world, it's getting increasingly difficult for companies to grab the attention of their target audiences. Marketing automation brings scale but has historically struggled to create authentic, relevant connections with customers.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has entered the picture, opening the door to deliver added personalization without compromising scale.

In this webinar, you'll learn how conversational marketing and sales AI Assistants help you:

  • Follow up with 100% of your leads in a 2-way personalized conversation
  • Identify every hand-raiser in your lead funnel with a human-like touch
  • Put the most relevant content in front of each person


Jan Sijp

Jan Sijp is senior director of product marketing at Conversica, the leader in conversational AI Assistants for business and the only provider of AI-driven lead engagement software for marketing and sales organizations. Prior to joining Conversica, Jan spent five years at Genesys, provider of CX software solutions, leading strategic programs, including corporate strategy, competitive intelligence, sales enablement, and market research. Earlier in his career, Jan has been in leadership roles in product management and strategy consulting at SonicWALL and R.B. Webber & Company respectively.

Mike Madden

Mike Madden is the head of commercial demand gen at Marketo, responsible for both new business bookings and cross-sell into the existing customer base. Outside of work, he is a big fan of M&Ms, early morning rounds of golf, and hiking.


Sponsored by Conversica
Conversica is the leader in conversational AI for business and the only provider of AI-driven lead engagement software for marketing/sales organizations. Used by 1,000+ companies worldwide, Conversica’s sales assistants engage prospects over multiple communication channels and multiple languages.
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  • Date:2019年2月27日
  • Length:45 minutes
  • Presenter:Jan Sijp, Mike Madden
  • Sponsor:Conversica
  • Element:Communications
  • Topic:Martech
  • Price:$0


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