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  • Matchmaking is alive and well—and not just on reality TV. But finding the right influencers to engage and motivate your audience takes time, effort, and likely a few new steps you've yet to master. The good news is, once you've identified possible connections, you're on your way to fulfilling results. Get ready to swipe right.

  • Flattery might not get you everywhere (we've tried), but a balance of sweet talk and incentives can get you in on the action. Think of it as an audition: impress the right influencer and you'll be heading straight for prime time with them at your side. Which direction is the runway to success? We'll show you.

  • Have you ever come to the end of an influencer marketing campaign only to wonder, how can I tell if it was a success? There's only one way to find out: choosing the right metrics and analyzing measurable results. Get ready. Get set. Get out your calculator. It's time to do the math!

  • Influencers are all the rage these days, and for good reason. Working with respected, trusted influencers in your industry on targeted campaigns can spark awareness, elevate your brand, boost sales, increase loyalty, and build your business. The key is knowing how to do it flawlessly. We can show you why and (more importantly) how to build influencer campaigns that truly work.

  • Appealing to influencers is part art, part science. And you need a stacked plan in place before you pitch them. Here's everything you need to do in order to work with those influencers you want to work with the most (and who will benefit you the most!).