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Saturday, October 10, 2020

Your Messaging Framework: What It Is, Why You Need One & How to Build It
Design Your Life to Live the Life You WantMarketingProfs PRO event
Audience Segmentation: Why You Need It and How to Do It in 5 Easy Steps
The How and Why of Podcasts: With Lindsay Tjepkema of Casted [Podcast]
Marketing Just Became Invaluable: A New Revenue Marketing Model for a New World
B2B Content Marketing Report: Benchmarks, Budgets, Trends, and COVID-19 Response [Study]
Six Key Metrics for Measuring Online Event Success [Infographic]
How to Improve Marketing Attribution Without Burdening Your Sales Team
How the B2B Purchase Process Has Changed in 2020 [Study]
Your Messaging Framework: What It Is, Why You Need One, and How to Build It
The exercise of creating a messaging framework helps you better understand your company—not just what it does but also how and why. Most important, it helps you determine how you should communicate with your market. Here'sthe what, why, and how of messaging frameworks.
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Design Your Life to Live the Life You Want
MarketingProfs PRO event
Last year at B2B Forum, Carlos Hidalgo's Golden Ticket session was the talk of the conference. We're thrilled to have him back again this year to talk about how find happiness, achieve success, and design the life you want.Don't miss it!
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Target-Audience Segmentation: Why You Need It and How to Do It in Five Easy Steps
In today's competitive landscape, many B2B companies are reviewing their strategies, and that often includes a more careful segmentation of target audiences—both to sell more accurately and to budget more efficiently for marketing. Find outhow to best segment your target audiences.
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A Podcast Within a Podcast Within a Podcast... With Lindsay Tjepkema of Casted [Podcast]
Lindsay Tjepkema, the CEO and a co-founder of Casted, talks about going behind the scenes of a podcast about podcasts, while on a podcast. It gets pretty meta! She also shares some brilliant marketing advice for anyone who has (or wants to start) a podcast.Read more and listen in on this insightful conversation.
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Marketing Just Became Invaluable: A New Revenue Marketing Model for a New World
The pandemic has changed customer relationships, and in the process we marketers have become more valuable than ever. We've known the power of digital, and mastered the strategy, tactics, and technology to harness it. We can now seize the opportunity tohelp remake Marketing and Sales.
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B2B Content Marketing Report: Benchmarks, Budgets, Trends, and COVID-19 Response [Study]
The newly released 11th Annual B2B Content Marketing Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends report features how content marketers in North America have been adapting to conditions brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.Check out more findings from this study.
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Six Key Metrics for Measuring Online Event Success [Infographic]
When you hold an online event getting through promoting and hosting it can feel like a big win. However, you still need to know whether the event was a success with audiences and for your business. So, how can you tell?Check out the infographic.
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How to Improve Marketing Attribution Without Burdening Your Sales Team
One of the biggest sources of friction between B2B demand generation and sales teams is attribution, which often results in finger-pointing and blame.But it doesn't have to be that way.
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How the B2B Purchase Process Has Changed in 2020 [Study]
The COVID-19 pandemic has led many B2B firms to lengthen their purchase cycles and to expect more personalized attention from vendors, according to recent research.Check out more findings from this study.
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