In 2014, brands shored up their commitment to social, made innovations in their use of new platforms, and began to map and measure the effectiveness of their efforts. We saw Instagram outgrow and outpace Twitter, paralleling the overall rise of visual content and visual-first platforms. Wearable tech began shedding its sci-fi image, marketers pushed back against the loss of organic reach on Facebook, and YouTube influencers went mainstream.

The question now is, "What will 2015 hold?"

Recently, I had the opportunity to connect with marketers across the Fortune 500, brands, publishers, and agencies at the Visual Revolution Summit.

Most people were discussing challenges to overcome, accomplishments, and areas for improvement.

我很好奇对t是什么脏读op of mind for them in the upcoming year.

Over a dozen conference speakers shared their perspectives, resulting in some key themes and predictions for the new year. You can find those in the following video.

In case you didn't get to look at the video, here's a look at some of the top marketers' comments.

2015 is the year of...

  • Branded content.Branded content and social syndication will be pervasive. Brands want to convey their philosophies in the most authentic way possible.
  • Social measurement.Cross-channel measurement is necessary to understand how everything works together. Marketers will begin moving past the last click towards multi-channel attribution. Companies will need more defined KPIs around brand affinity and loyalty as they will be strong indicators of success.
  • Social shopping.More social and visual content will be integrated into commerce, particularly driven on mobile. Millennials are models for a new generation that wants to make purchases directly from favoritesocial mediaplatforms.
  • Evolution of real-time.Brands, publishers, and agencies will jump into moments and conversations that consumers are involved in, such as during live events or major news events. Real-time marketing will transcend live events for the first time.
  • Participatory marketing.Brands need to give fans and superfans the necessary tools to continue evangelizing. Companies need to think about how their audiences can participate in the visual narrative of a brand's website. In 2015, there will be a heavy reinvention of how brands engage consumers.
  • Defined strategies.Marketers will need to figure out what's working and what's not working. For so long, digital marketing has felt like the Wild West, without a clear idea of what works or doesn't work. 2015 will be the year marketers learn how to make their goals operational and get them right.
  • Video.Brands will be turning to video (short-form video or user-generated video) to reach and engage audiences.

The brand marketers who participated in the video are...

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image of Gregarious Narain

Gregarious Narainis co-founder and CTO ofChute, which enables users to discover, organize, obtain consent, and publish fan photos and videos as a mobile app, photo gallery, banner ad, or even a billboard in Times Square. Previously, Gregarious was vice-president of Product at Klout, where he helped establish the Klout Score as the standard for online influence.

LinkedIn:Gregarious Narain
