Do you optimize all of your online content? Before you say yes, here's a question: When was the last time a press release received your SEO treatment?

"All communications, including press releases, can be 'tagged' with key words to receive priority placement in organic searches and therefore drive users to your message and content," writes Kimberly Schmitz at the CaliberPulse blog.

And it's not as tricky as you might think: "A press release can be optimized for searches by including key words and phrases and adding relevant links to the text," Schmitz notes. Here's how:

Incorporate keywords.Schmitz suggests placing your keyword once in the headline and three times in the body of your text. If the press release has more than three paragraphs, she also recommends inserting your keyword in a subhead. As with any other keyword placement, it should look natural to human eyes. "Do not use the word or phrase so much that it becomes redundant or clutters the messaging," she advises. "Ensure that key words and phrases are used logically and strategically."

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