How is an existing customer supposed to feel when you send a form letter inviting her to sample your product or service and become a new customer? According to Allison DeFord, mistakes like this unnecessarily alienate otherwise happy customers—and might even send them into the arms of competitor who can remember their name.

Your best defense is a two-pronged offense that combines meticulous database management with a solid content strategy. Writing at theFELTblog, DeFord recommends components like these:

  • Random letters of appreciation.Send a note of thanks—perhaps once each year—to let customers know you value their loyalty.
  • Acknowledgement of milestones.When you celebrate a customer's birthday, or the anniversary of his first purchase, it reminds him that he matters to you.
  • Handwritten notes of congratulation.Supply everyone in your company with high-quality note cards, advises DeFord, and encourage them to send handwritten notes that laud customers' accomplishments and promotions.
  • Exclusive customer-only offers and news.Giving customers a special discount or a pre-launch sneak-peak is a great way to make them feel special.
  • User forums and online communities.A private space for discussion and interaction is beneficial to customers—and enables you to take notes on their concerns and interests.

The Po!nt:Treating an existing customer like a potential customer might turn her into a former customer. So make sure she knows you knowexactly她是谁。


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