"The company clearly understood the market," writes Barbara Bix atMarketingProfs.It had created a new product with all the right features and benefits, one that was earning rave reviews for its performance. "The name was short, crisp, and evocative. The logo was memorable. The promotion was compelling, frequent, and consistent." Persuaded of its usefulness, Bix made an immediate purchase.

But there was a problem: Unable to install the product, she called the customer service number and spent several hours on hold as her issue was passed from manager to manager. Finally—a full 24 hours after her installation ordeal began—a service person authorized to fix the problem did so with a few taps on the keyboard.

By then, however, the damage was done. "Due to a series of post-sales mishaps," notes Bix, "the company had counteracted months of well-executed marketing investments."

To protect your brand from similar harm, she has this advice like this:

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