Any SEO strategy hinges on offering relevant, valuable information. But that might not mean what you think it does.

According to the Todaymade blog, we content marketers gravitate toward discussions of our core businesses. "But the challenge that we all have in marketing is moving past those spheres of immediate influence to some of the more expanded topics that our customers really care about," they note.

To illustrate their point, Todaymade uses the example of Joe, an independent retailer who sells shoes and athletic goods. He has a competent website that lists his products and includes friendly touches like photos of his employees.

Customers rarely use the site to make purchases, however, and Joe only keeps it going because businesses in 2011 are supposed to have websites. He has a Facebook page for the same reason, and receives only a smattering of likes when he posts new content every week or so. As far as Joe can tell, his online presence has a negligible impact on sales.

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