Contrary to Jack Donaghy's opinion of LinkedIn—("He's on LinkedIn, Lemon. He might as well be dead.")—the site has proved to be an effective marketing tool for B2B companies.

As Amanda O'Brien puts it at the Social Media B2B blog: "Of course Twitter and Facebook are great for awareness, getting traffic to your site, and generally for getting people to like your B2B company, but LinkedIn still seems to take the cake for decision makers and actual purchasers."

So, is your LinkedIn profile page the most impressive it can be for a practical audience armed to buy?

O'Brien offers a few "power tips" to help you boost prospect engagement at the site. Here are three:

Use status updates wisely.Each time you update your LinkedIn profile status, anyone who is subscribed to your updates will see it in their newsfeed, O'Brien notes. So, take full advantage of that fact: Offer pertinent information updates, share links, and report on product or service innovations that will resonate with potential buyers.

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