Marketing on multiple platforms reveals your storytelling savvy, and it has the potential to make your business more relevant to prospects. But it also demands finesse, consistency, and elements of surprise. It's a game of long-term seduction rather than "one and done" communication—that is, a short-term message via a single medium.

HubSpot has produced a list of ways to master the art of storytelling in your marketing. Here are our favorites.

Tap user-generated content.All UGC isn't created equal, but clear guidelines and incentives can encourage the production of gems. Help users help you co-produce your brand's big tale.

"Own" your mistakes.Customers can better relate to you when they think of you in human terms. And what's more human than the occasional mistake? So don't be afraid to own up to your mistakes and talk about them. Share how you'll fix them and what you've learned. Doing so is humanizing and makes you part of the community, rather than just an object of discussion.

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