When you work in SEO, it might seem that Google is always trying to trip you up. But that's not really the case, argues Brandignity: "They don't dislike all SEOs because ... we actually help catalog information and pages; that in turn helps their search identify which pages make sense to showcase."

In fact, the search engine giant is more than happy to give advice—such as a video from Google's Developer Programs Tech Lead Maile Ohye, in which she discusses common errors that SEOs make.

Here are three:

之前从事搜索引擎优化你的网站has a value proposition.What sets your company, product, or service apart from your competition? Perhaps your retail shop is the city's oldest independent dealer, offers free repair estimates—or is actually a nonprofit business. "If you want to stay on top," Ohye advises, "searchers need a value prop to click on your site, to come back and revisit your site, and to recommend your site to their friends."

Implementing SEO strategy from an isolated silo.Tear down those walls. With open communication among your marketing, business development, and SEO teams, your optimization efforts properly address the entire user experience—from marketing campaign to conversion. "And, potentially, repeat business," Ohye adds.

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