We've mentionedPinterest众多times-enough we're Pin-crazy.

But we're not the only ones!

To back us up on our Pin interest,Competehas published charts about Pinterest's growth and its impact on marketers.

Some quick stats:

  • Pinterest has grown from 700,000 to 20,000,000 unique users in the past year; that's already almost half the number of Twitter's users.
  • It is cannibalizing other social media: Compete attributed a 3% decline in Facebook activity in June to users' preferences for Pinning.
  • 1 in 4 users spend less time on other social media in Pinterest's favor, with 15% of Pinterest users saying they don't use any other social sites.
  • That number's even higher, 23%, among those with an income of less than $30,000.

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