Who would've guessed a few photo filters and instant sharing capabilities would produce a social hit? Instagram, that's who!

The image-based social network, available on iPhone and Android smartphones, boasts more than 100 million users. Many are brands: Starbucks, NASA, MTV, and NBC News are some of the most successful Instagrammers.

Recently, the Instagram team started a Tumblr calledInstagram for Business. In it you'll find best-practices for enterprises, new service offerings of interest to brands (like the newphoto maps), and a list of ways to make yourself an Insta-success. A few suggestions:

Get a personal account in addition to your professional one.That will let you experience Instagram from the perspective of a real user, gauging what you personally like, who you tend to follow, and why.

Share compelling content.Reveal insider photos, exhibit experimental shots, or offer sneak peeks of what's to come. Make users see the value in following you by posting stuff they won't find anywhere else.

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