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As a tradeshowexhibitor,you create an exhaustive plan for getting the most out of every minute and every dollar. But do you plan with the same care when you're a tradeshowattendee?"I suppose many people make the assumption that if you go to a conference and learn something, it's time and money well spent," writes Drew McLellan at the Marketing Minute blog. But you can accomplish so much more:

Make use of the location.You're already flying to Chicago or New Orleans or Miami—why not arrive a day early to meet with prospective clients who live in the area?

Identify potential contacts.Scan the list of attendees for three or five people you really want to meet. Approach them in a casual way, prepared for substantive conversation. "Your goal," he explains, "[is getting] to know them well enough that you can reach out to them after the show and stay connected."

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