GoogleSites led the US explicit core search market in October 2011 with 65.6% ofsearchqueries conducted, up 0.3 percentage points (PPs) from September, followed by Yahoo Sites with 15.2% (down 0.3 PPs) and Microsoft Sites with 14.8%,according todata fromcomScore.

Ask Network accounted for 2.9% explicit core searches, followed by AOL with 1.5%.

Some 18.1 billion explicit core searches were conducted in October, up 6% from one month earlier. Google Sites ranked first with 11.9 billion searches, up 6% from September, followed by Yahoo Sites with 2.7 billion (up 4%) and Microsoft Sites with 2.7 billion (up 6%). Ask Network delivered 518 million searches (up 2%), followed by AOL with 277 million (up 5%).

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US Total Core Search

Google Sites accounted for 66.2% of total core search queries conducted, (up 0.8 PPs from September), followed by Yahoo Sites with 16.3% and Microsoft Sites with 13.6% (up 0.2 PPs). Ask Network comprised 2.6% of total search queries, followed by AOL with 1.4%.

Americans conducted 20.3 billion total core search queries in October (up 5% from September). Google Sites ranked first with 13.4 billion searches (up 6%), followed by Yahoo Sites with 3.3 billion and Microsoft Sites with 2.8 billion (up 7%).

"Powered By" Reporting

Google's "powered by" share is composed of searches conducted at Google and Bing.

In October, 67.7% of searches carried organic search results from Google (vs. 67.4% in September), while 26.1% searches were powered by Bing organic results (vs. 26.7% in the previous month).

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