
Topic: Strategy

Require Reciprocal Links In Free Directory ?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
We started a free online Forum, Knowledge Base and Resource Directory oriented to Canadian marketing and included the Directory primarily as a place to find relevant information, secondarily to provide a service to our members i.e. free lisiting in the Directory, and thirdly as a way of encouraging others to link to our resource..

We don't know what we should do strategically concerning the directory - should we require link reciprocity (limiting the number of resources we can provide) or make it open (reducing the likelihood of anyone linking back to us).

Under no circumstances will we be charging anything for listings, as that simply isn't in the spirit of theMarketing Canada Strategy Forumsite.

Please take a look and share your thoughts with us. We need to make a decision on this fairly quickly i.e. days not months.
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  • Posted on Member
    I am assuming that the reason you have this question is that you want to raise your position in the search engines.

    Some things to consider:
    You may want to control what sites you list. If it's an automated sign up, you may end up with some real garbage, which can hurt your page rank.

    我个人更喜欢一个列出所有相关的网站d allowing them to voluntarily link back to you if they want.

    Also, you may actively recruit getting your site listed. If you want a good PR on Google, you can pay for a few links on high PR sites. Also, make sure you sign up for the open directory project. It may take several months to get listed, but it's well worth it.

  • Posted byCarl Crawfordon Accepted
    Why not put your site in the Marketingprofs "Resource Library" ?

    Click here to add it:

  • Posted byReadCopyon Accepted
    Keep the directory open, vet all link requests, have an optional Reciprocal Links policy, its a good looking, useful site, the links and the ranking will come.
  • Posted byCarl Crawfordon Member
    Thanks for the points. About the resource library, you need to log on to the marketing profs forum then you look top right hand corner, then below the "Participate" menu item you will see a menu called "Resource Library".

    I personally wouldn't worry about reciprocal links, I would just give people a better placing on your page than one that doesn't have a reciprocal link.

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