
Topic: Strategy

Business Plan For Dummies

Posted byJessica_Castroon 125 Points
Hi I'm the dummy...

I am trying to write a business plan for a section of my company and this is proving to be most difficult. I have done my research and have format down as well as a general understanding of what I would like it to say. However, no one in my company has done a business plan because quite frankly the other section of the company has never needed to present one. I find myself getting bogged down with these little questions that I have for clarification and I'm getting no where fast. Is there any advice that can help me to take this one step at a time so I am not so overwhelmed by the task as a whole?

Any input or advice would be nice.. Thanks so much everyone!
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  • Posted byInbox_Interactiveon Member
    There are different types of business plans. Are you talking about a business plan that is for internal use only?

    I've written over forty business plans in my life, but most of these were for raising capital. This is different, but not completely so, compared to an internal business plan.

    Let me ask you...why are you writing this? For whom? To what end? In other words, who is this for and what do you want the reader to do once she's read it?

  • Posted byJessica_Castroon Author
    Well this will not be for internal use. I apologize for not clarifying it.
    We would be using it to "arouse interest in investment" so to speak. I would want the reader to show interest in a particular product we are trying to offer them. Basically I would be attempting to persuade a committee or a person to invest in my product, by showing hard data and facts mixed with some assumptions.
  • Posted byJessica_Castroon Author
    Thanks for the links. I already really watched this ridiculously long power point on how to make a business plan, read some different websites that gave me an overview of a good business plan, and even had a friend send me her husband's business plan...

    I really just need a good micro-management technique so that this gets done in a reasonable amount of time, but isn't so overwhelming as it is right now...
  • Posted byCarolBlahaon Accepted
    I use the program-- business Plan Pro. Its a simple template and has many examples--

    Basically-- for an existing plan

    Write a section on the company
    What you are selling
    The Market
    The Business You are In-- here is where to include competitors, locations, future services
    Your Sales Forcast-- including pricing and pricing strategies
    Your Marketing Plan-- This is the SWOT, strategies, milestones and differentiators

    Financial plan

    If you email me privately and tell me what biz you are in-- I can see if the software provider gives a sample in your business.

    Key to writing a plan is research. Research your competitors and industry trends. the web makes it easy-- but yes, its a big project. That is why I charge a minimum of $1k for one and its still a bargain considering the hours it takes.

    Take your friends plan and using only the headings and their plan as example as a template.

    Work on one section at a time. Dig for research that backs up what you write. You probably will have a plan of 50 pages plus.

  • Posted byJessica_Castroon Author
    Thanks for the advice. Hopefully by taking it piece by piece and re-reading and re-reading I won't get overwhelemed and worse I won't get writer's block. Thanks everyone for the input it definatly helps when you're trying to tackle a job like this.

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