
Topic: Strategy

Innovative Ideas On Cp??

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I need to have an innovative ideas on CP (Consumer Promotional) activities for Telecom company on retail side. As one of renowned Telecom company is looking for the activity on retail market based.

stall activation on different locations of cities is one idea but seems to be an oldie idea!

please help me in building the innovative ideas upon this.

Your ideas would really help me to have successfully done.

Thank you all for your ideas and help!


Basit Khan
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  • Posted byLevonon Accepted
    Hi Khan,

    How about actually giving away of high value for free. Most of the promotional stuff that I recieve from vendors is useless and tacky. Think big.

  • Posted on Author
    Hello Levon,

    Telecom company is actually a need of to promote there prepaid sims and scratch cards through retail based market for instance retail shops.

    since the company lose the sales of their product as mentioned above.

    giving away the sims (connections) could be a huge lose.
  • Posted byLevonon 成员
    Is there something that you can give away for free that will blow your competition away?
  • Posted on Author

    thats what i'm trying to figure out what actually i can suggest to blow the competition!

    the company is also sponsoring the cricket match throughout a month where the criket matches is being played in all cities of a country. so anythng related to it??
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Free tickets to the matches?
    A trip (out of the country) to an international cricket match?
    Buy 9 months of service, get 3 free?
    The latest phones (for free) each year?
  • Posted on Author
    since tickets are for free!

    the company sales is 15% down comperatively.

    need more innovative ideas to attract the customers on retail side.
  • Posted on Author
    Mr. Jay,

    is it possible to give incentive plan at consumer end and as well as retailers. Bacause there must be something for customers if we create an incentive plans to boost a sales.
  • Posted on Author
    thank you all...!!!

    god bless you all!

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