
Topic: Strategy

Led Writing Boards

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
Hi my client has LED fluorescent boards that he is trying to market. The board comes in 3 sizes - 60x40, 64x44 and 64x55 cm - and has 13 neon effect flashing lights (yellow, pink, red, white, blue, etc.) Believe me, I have never seen a cool products like this - they can really make your shop stand out from crowd.

We have challenges in getting the word out to restaurant owners. We'd like to do a survey before launching any marketing campaign; however, the door-to-door survey has been ineffective, as the waiter/waitresses are trained to brush off anyone with a big bag on their hand (a.k.a salesman) i.e. owner is not here, come back in an hour, call first before coming in. Are we doing something wrong? It is really a cool product, but people reject us before we reach the owner and show them how cool it is.

Any input is appreciated. Thanks.
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  • Posted byCarolBlahaon Accepted
    Restaurant owners are a difficult group. You aren't doing anything wrong-- its just cold calling. Expect rejection and remember each no is a step closer to a "yes".

    If you decide to get sales help, I'd suggest working with a manufacturer rep who already has restaurant contacts. They're performance based and with their established client base- can get you in the door quicker.

    Good Luck-- and Sell Well and Prosper tm
  • Posted byFrank Hurtteon Accepted
    CarolBlaha's advice is right on once more.

    Another option is to sell your products through restaurant, beverage and food service product distributors.

    Beware, there are already a number of products similar to this on the market. My guess is yours would need to be near the "low price" threshold to gain traction.
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks for the advices Carol and Frank.

    I discussed the idea to our team - approaching restaurant supplies distributors seems to be a viable idea; however, the client prefers to go direct with owners, as this product is a never-seen in the market - at least in this area.

    Unlike many regular boards, this product is on the 'high-price' threshold.

    As the first objective is to gather responses/survey data, we came up with an option to direct mail and video campaign to demo the product to restaurant owners.

    Kindly understand that I am not ignoring any ideas - I will post findings when I get reliable data.

  • Posted byCarolBlahaon Accepted
    Just FYI-- Manufacturer reps are not distributors or resellers. The sale is still factory direct. You are the seller, they are paid performance base for their sales efforts.

    I really think direct mail is too passive. And expensive. For a product like this you need to demo it and get it in front of the decision maker. And establish its value. You aren't selling LED writing boards -- you are selling a solution.
  • Posted byChris Blackmanon Accepted
    This sounds like a product that could be sold through restaurant and hospitality industry trade shows.

    If there are enough shows in your market territory (you don't mention where that is?), you could be spruiking to thousands of restaurant and cafe owners at each show.

    At a trade show, you can do a proper demo and make a show special offer...

    Good luck.

  • Posted on Author
    Good suggestions Chris B and NuCoPro. Offering free installation and 1 month free trial I think will make it stand out in the crowd.

    展会需要适当的计划和一个大型的探讨tment up front, doesn't it? What is the ROI of trade show and what is the proper objective here? are we just demoing products or closing sales too?
  • Posted on Author
    We got some good ideas - need sometime to execute proper marketing campaigns as suggested above. I will close the question for now.

    Any further input is very much appreciated. Thank you everyone.
  • Posted byFrank Hurtteon Member
    your competition

    I have experience selling these in a couple of different markets. If you want to talk strategy, I can be reached via my profile information.

  • Posted byFrank Hurtteon Member
    your competition

    I have experience selling these in a couple of different markets. If you want to talk strategy, I can be reached via my profile information.

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