
Topic: Strategy

How To Market A Unique Asian Alcoholic Beverage

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hello all,

We are a new distillery located in Portland, OR and we have two unique products made from 100% black and brown rice. The black rice alcoholic beverage looks like a red wine and the brown rice product is the color of a white wine. The product has 20% alc/vol and is the only one of its kind on the market. It's not a sake or soju, but not a traditional wine either. It is a cross between the two. The black rice product has a hint of berry flavor and the brown rice has a hint of honey-pear and almond aroma. The challenge we are having is how to brand/position/market it and determining our target market. Because it's so different & unique to the US market we are just unsure of how to bring public awareness to it.

Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.
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  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Member
    Why not try approaching some sake bars in the US? The clientele already like sake, and your produce may be something new for the bar to offer. Additionally, the newness of your product is ideal for "hip bars" to offer something unique and help build some buzz for your products.
  • Posted byFrank Hurtteon Accepted
    Based on work I have done with other companies similar to yours, you need to work to establish product in the
    "on premise market". That means providing it to restaurants and bars at a subsidized price. You want them to offer it as a special (plus you want them to make money at the same time).
    The on premise market needs to be backed up with a local retail outlet. Perhaps providing specials between the two. Like coupons from the restaurant for discount in the retail and visa versa.

    Sounds like a cool product.
  • Posted on Author
    Frank Hurtte and W.M.M.A, thank you for taking the time to provide your input. These are valuable suggestions and we will work on implementing them.
  • Posted on Author
    Jay, thank you. Approaching sake bars was something we thought of but have not implemented yet. We'll do so now! Thanks again.
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you, Phil. These are good ideas... especially the radio ads. Do you think sending some samples to radio dj's would be a good idea?
  • Posted on Author
    Phil, thank you again for the great advice!
  • Posted bymatthewmnexon Accepted
    I am sorry to say that I cannot agree LESS with the posters above.

    Firstly, I congratulate you on developing your new product :)


    Now you need a business plan.

    before anything, go back to the very beginning.


    Research the liquor marke nd the wine market in the US first.

    You must understand that in reality, the liquor market, the wine market and the beer market are 3 separate and distinctively different markets.

    You have a proble with your product because it does not know where to fit - it is a 'Speciality alcoholic beverage'.

    get online, attend ALL the industry shows both in the US and abroad. 'vinexpo etc.'

    Make a full study and complete dossier of ALL speciality beverages already in the market. You will e shocked to discover that there are already thousands of weird adn wornderful concoctions already trying to find a nice in the market.

    Take 2 or 3 months to study this and be absolutely familair with ALL the rpoducts, who makes them, imports them, distributes them, markets them and sells them. (on and off premise).

    make a serious study of the bottle shapes and sizes, the label designs, the flavours the colours and ALL aspects that go into making an exciting product for the market.

    Get samples of your product in front of well established liquor and wine distributors and let them taste it. Listen carefully yo their advise on how they would sell it and market it and to what kind of volumes they realistically believe can be sold in their territory.


    You can make millions if you product clicks but you will have to climb over mountains of dead bodies along the way of others who have already tried and failed miserably to crack this market :))).


    好的我uck with your project, don't hesitate to contact me if you would liek to explore further ideas or just need advise.


    PS: have you already got your FDA Approval?
    have you paid your Liquor taxes? very high alcohol product means BIG taxes.

    Don't try to sell any bottles without your FDA approval :)) You could go to jail :))

    I know, It happened to a friend of mine who tried to sell coconut wine and a customer consumed too much and died :))
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you Matthew. I really appreciate your advice and think you have a very valid point on research. There is definitely a lot to learn about this industry.

    We have the ATTB (alcohol tobacco trade bureau) approval and have the federal distillery permit and are licensed and bonded. According to the fed rep we are working with, we have all we need to produce our products.

    I would like to talk to you more about some of your suggestions. Would it be possible to discuss this offline?
  • Posted on Author
    汤姆,这有助于一吨!谢谢你的鼓励ment and some excellent advice. I love how you layed it out step by step. Thank you for taking your time to respond.

    BTW, I love the concept of your company and love how you guys are so upfront.
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you everyone for your responses to my question. You all provided some great advice that my company can implement immediately! Your time and effort is truly appreciated.

    All the best,

    Our website is still a work in progress and changes will be made to it, but if you have a moment check us out at

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