
Topic: Strategy

How To Market School/college Management Software?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Hi.. This is Nihar form India.

I have developed a school/college management software.
It comprises all the real world scenarios happening in the school/college from taking attendance to scheduling exam etc etc. As the teachers inputs all the activities in the software then students can fetch those information from the web. This effort is really important for students as well as parents as now a days most of the parents are on the move.

I really need a good strategy to market this software. I have visited some school but have not got good response.

Please help me by providing some strategy to market the software. Thank you .
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  • Posted byPeter (henna gaijin)on Member
    The first step I would do is determine what pain you are fixing that your potential customer has. What is it they are doing now that is costing them time or money that your software will fix for them?

    Without knowing this, it would be hard to figure out how to market this.
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    What motivated you to develop this software?
    Have you been able to test it (with beta testers) in the schools to see how well it works?
    What options do the schools have, how much better is what you're offering, and how good is the security of the software (a big concern these days)?
  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Accepted
    No, you don't need a really good strategy to market this software, you need a crowd of fanatical buyers.

    Until you've established a need for the software you
    don't have a market—you have a product in SEARCH of
    a market, which is not a good place to be.

    Unless you have lots of capital and a gutsy backer your ONLY strategy to market ANY product is to first find out if there is a demand, a want, or a need for the thing you're developing.

    Simply because you think your software is fantastic, it does lot logically follow on that other people will think the same way you do.

    You first find out what people need, then you meet that need. You're less likely to waste time, blood, sweat, tears and money this way and see nothing come of it then you are by developing the product and THEN finding a market for it. You need to fail quickly and cheaply, THEN you move on to the next idea. And the next. And the next. And so on.
  • Posted on Author
    Well, I have gone through all the details required to run a school and they (school management) also agreed. But as I'm in India this kinda software is still not popular for some middle level schools as per as their financial situation is concern.
    I made its cost very reasonable. The only problem I'm facing while promoting my software is that they are not trusting us (may be) as we are just a start up company.
    I have tested it upto the worst case scenario and it is performing quite well.
    Every school to where i have been for promoting it, they are also amazed with its features but as I said they are hasitating just because we don't have a brand name associated with it.

    Please help me how to promote it well without having a good brand name.
    Thank you.

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