
Topic: Strategy

Marketing Plan For A Serviced Work Space Provider

Posted byyetundeokunorenon 25 Points
I would like ideas on how to develop a marketing strategy to present to management. We provide fully serviced work spaces and virtual offices. Our target market are SMEs,, start up companies, corporate and multinational companies.
We are also looking to partner with other firms that provide similar services.
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  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Start by getting data that'll support your goals. If you don't have data, conduct surveys with the targeted groups. Next find case studies that demonstrate how similar plans in other communities worked out - for all concerned (both short- and long-term). With this in mind, you can now build the case for your plan.
  • Posted byChris Blackmanon Accepted
    The key things you need to know are:

    1. What have we got to offer in terms of a value proposition to the market?
    2. Who would be interested in that (if several ways to describe different audiences, document them all - these are your market segments).
    3, What are these segments prepared to pay?
    4. Can we viably offer the service/product at the price they are prepared to pay?
    5. How can we reach these segments to tell them about the value we offer?
    6. What will it cost to reach them?
    7. How many can we convert from those we reach?
    8. Based on an average length stay (whatever that is) what is the ROI on the marketing spend?

    这是所有你需要说服别人to make the investment - provided the numbers are good. i.e. so long as you can make more profit by getting more customers than it costs to bring them in.

    Hope that helps.
  • Posted bytelemoxieon Accepted
    are any of your competitors public companies? If so, you can learn a lot about your competitors and their approach and about your market by downloading and reading their financial documents

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