
Topic: Strategy

Ideas For Offering Marketing Consultancy Services

Posted bykojereon 250 Points
I have just set up my own company after a 16 year working career in pharmaceutical sales and marketing. Market/Marketing research and Marketing Training are areas where there is a need for experienced professionals like me to add value to the field of practice. I shall be grateful for ideas/templates to announce my service offering to prospective clients. In addition, i shall be grateful for links to individuals/organisations willing to partner with me to provide materials/packages for training courses/programs in the fields of Market/Marketing research and Marketing Training.

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  • Posted byPeter (henna gaijin)on Accepted
    You may want to check out Michael Goodman's consulting book - Rasputin for Hire. Marcus is one of the experts on this forum - mgoodman.

    Here is an article that may be of interest:

    In general, you will want to understand the value you provide to customers very well, and be able to articulate it quickly and clearly to prospects. Once you can do this, get out and network.
  • Posted byPepper Blueon Accepted
    Hi kojere,

    Joining this forum is a great move in itself. Just answering the questions that apply to your skills and experience will build a good reference source and will help your Google rankings if you participate enough.

    Many of us use our answers here to show our prospects and customers what we are all about and this can be a very valuable business-building tool also.

    Good Luck!
  • Posted byChris Blackmanon Accepted
    Welcome Kojere

    In which country will you base your consulting practice?

    If the Pharmaceutical field is one that needs your skills, have you gone back to past employers to let them know of your availability to come in and train their staff to upgrade their skills?

    Worth a try!
  • Posted bykojereon Author
    Many thanks to the kind responders to my question. I am greatly encouraged by your response and i am glad i joined this forum. How can i make a direct response to ASVP/Chris B? Cheers. Remi. Lagos,Nigeria.

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