
Topic: Strategy

Marketing Material Manangement

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
We have developed a custom web based order management system for the central management and distribution of ALL corporate marketing materials including the following services:

Online Ordering
Online Management Approval of Orders
Cost Center Chargeback Options
Custom Kit Capabilities With Each Order
Custom Assembly Capabilities With Each Order
自定义Corespondance Capability With Each Order
或der Histories
Inventory Management
Etc (Much More)

Here is just one example of how it would be utilized in a corporation:

Example 1: Sales Rep has high level meeting with VIP prospect. After Meeting Rep logs onto our online ordering system. Rep picks a Corporate Brochure, Demo CD, A Company logoed Golf Windshirt XL (they both dicussed golf so the rep thought this would be a thoughtful addition) and checks out. At Checkout Rep is given opportunity to upload a letter (rep uploads a “Thank you for meeting me, here is the literature I promised and a little something for the links” type Letter Doc.) Rep submits order. In many cases we can have the order w/ custom letter out same day.
RESULT: VIP has impressive follow-up next day

The fact is we have developed an exceptional solution that will help large corporations address a variety of issues associated with the distribution of marketing materials such as: response time, hoarding, version control, waste, cost allocation, fulfillment, admin assistance, kits, assembly etc.

Here is my problem! I am a smaller company, (approx 1 million in annual sales) we do not have a national sales force or established sales channel. This solution requires us to both find organizations that feel the pain of poor material management and then find a champion in the organization that will be able to drive the entire company into a different (but better) system of marketing material management and ordering. If we find the organization and the best contact, we need to fairly quickly establish a level of trust without ever having done a spec of previous work for that corporation. We have had a great deal of trouble finding that individual within an organization that is willing to try and champion a service such as our through the corporation. In fact we are having a good bit of trouble finding a cost effective marketing strategy.

All suggestions are welcome
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  • Posted byPepper Blueon Member
    Promo Dave,

    I want to say that GD gave some great ideas.

    Something I thought of is that since you are offering promotional premiums i.e. the golf windshirt, have you though of partnering in some capacity with a promotional products firm?

    Here is what I see: They have customers who buy products for (but not only) their sales force to send to their key customers and prospects.

    So, if they (the promo products firms) can introduce their customers to your software (although I totally agree with the ASP model suggested by GD) they will sell more of their promotional premiums, and you should develop more customers.

    They have the customers you want, you just need to setup a mutually beneficial relationship with them.

    Hope that helps.

    Pepper Blue
  • Posted byBlaine Wilkersonon Accepted
    Great ideas! I think most of them are viable, yet I tend to lean toward kklier, mbarber, and frediedaniells' way of thinking on this.

    I comprehend from your question you are doing all the fulfillment, therfore I assume you already have a wholesale supplier of custom shirts, brochure design/print shops, FedEx accounts for overnight delivery is a part of everything you described so I won't go into telling you how to partner with incentive companies etc. (hence your name "PROMO Dave!)

    Although at first I can see the logic behind the suggestions to "partner" up with similar companies who may be able to relate, I fear that all you may be doing is giving them a great idea! Unles I'm off track here, YOU want YOUR compnay to spearhead this and be the ones to bring it to market. Therefore I would be very cautios about mentioning your plan to even the golf shirt rep! Any one of those companies can fork out a few grand to have a programmer write something similar, then use their own contacts for themselves....leaving you out of the picture.

    But an established company( within your target demographic") can do this as well right? Sure, but it doesn't mean they will do it. Big companies could probably develop their own department for every need, but there is overhead, taxes, planning, space, contracts, lawyers, etc...that is why most outsource tasks of this nature.

    So what companies to target? Obviously you have to determine who has a greater need for such services. They can be small or large...having that been said, one industry comes to mind as a potential goldmine of opportunity for you. Never I have I seen a greater array sales/marketing forces than within the healthcare industry. Attacking healthcare first can allow you to cover both small and large corporations at the same time.

    So who?

    Every pharmacuetical company on the planet!

    HealthSouth- a rehab/surgical center corporation

    Labcorp and Diagnostic Laboratories- National lab "outsources" for physicians and hospitals.

    或thoLogic, Synthes or any other large DME (Durable Medical Equipment) provider- They make custom and pre-fab braces, splints etc, along with an array of rehab and surgical equipment (bone stimulators, intenal prosthetics, etc)


    Any local physical therapy center not owned by a national company mentioned above.

    Local Home Health Agencys.

    Local Pharmacies (not Walgreen's or other big chains) but rather the smaller "Apothecary Shoppes" who still mix up special formulas, gels, etc for local doctors. They need help getting the word out about their special capabilities.

    Local Prosthethic/orthotic companies- They make legs, arms, heel pad inserts, etc. Many are locally owned by some guy or gal who worked in the field and saved up enough dough to hang their own nail.

    So what do all these companies have in common, small and large alike?

    1. The sales and marketing force is composed of 40% meatheads (ex local college atheletes and frat boys who didn't make it but got the "Frat House/ Athlete degree"- BA in Business/Communications), 40% Egotistical RNs and Phsical Therapists who got promoted to a Marketing position due their enthusiasm and "firmness", and 9% Complete Idiots, and 1% of them actually know what they are doing. Hence the high turnover...very similar to that of a New Car Lot!

    In addition, not only do these people get paid base + commission and are therefore very driven, 95% of them are good looking. I've seen some female reps go as far as not wearing bras with a thin button up blouse (barely buttoned up) and lean over the table every time they talk to a man, giving him a nice shot of their stuff. The men are just as bad, but less effective... flirting with the 50 year old file clerks by calling them "young lady" and winking at them, then making sure they ALWAYS shoot that winning smile to every female in the office. Medical sales teams have almost evolved into a weird modeling/fashion show..who can leave the office with the most "crushes"!!??!

    So why mention it? They are desperate, egotistical, vain and easily "swooned". Sounds like negative qualities. But these jokers not only walk around with tens of thousands of dollars in their expense accounts to spend as they wish, they are your way in the door to the real people running the show.

    I've seen reps dump $10,000 in one night by taking the whole office out to dinner and free drinks at an exclusive restaurant...then bring us a $1200 lunch 3 days later. And this goes on all year long.

    So they have the money to spend, you just have play on their weaknesses to get them hooked. Plus, you aren't dealing with rocket scientists here, so they won't put up too much of a fight.

    This is just a suggestion of a market that could be easy for you to penetrate in order to get your capital established for some bigger hitters.

    I attached some intersting articles. Feel free to emai me with questions!





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