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The B2B Lead Generation Manifesto [Slide Show]

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121115-0 Intro

Are you happy with the quality and quantity of your leads? If not, your lead generation program likely needs a tune-up. To help out, Unbounce has created an infographic that outlines the followingfive principles of lead generation.

121115-1 Thou shalt create content

Thou shalt create content

You wouldn't give personal information to anyone without getting something in return. Nor will your prospects. So, tantalize them with content that offers insights into how to improve their businesses—whether they buy from you or not.

121115-2 Thou shalt optimize your lead gen Web pages

Thou shalt optimize your lead gen Web pages

There is always room for improvement. To achieve higher conversion rates, test the following:

  • How much personal information a prospect will trade for a giveaway
  • "Try before you buy" offers
  • The effectiveness of social proof
  • Alternate versions of your lead gen pages
121115-3 Thou shalt market after the conversion

Thou shalt market after the conversion

Just because registrants don't attend your event—whether a webinar, brownbag lunch, or product launch party—that doesn't mean you've lost them forever. "You now have a list of business leads, so follow up…and invite them to your next event," suggests Oli Gardner, cofounder and creative director at Unbounce.

121115-4 Thou shalt embrace the mobile market

Thou shalt embrace the mobile market

Since 64% of decision makers read email on mobile devices, it's critical that you...

  • Send them to campaign landing pages, not homepages.
  • Make call-to-action buttons big enough for large fingers.
  • Keep forms short.
  • Include clickable phone numbers.
121115-5 Thou shalt nurture your leads

Thou shalt nurture your leads

Half of your qualified leads won't be ready to buy, so it's important to nurture them until they are. The effort has its rewards: A proper nurturing program can net a 20% increase in sales opportunities compared with non-nurtured leads—and produce a 47% bump in average order value.

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Christian Gulliksenis a writer who has authored several of theGet to the Po!nt newslettersfor MarketingProfs. A former editor atRobb Report, he has also contributed toWorth,Variety,andThe Hollywood Reporter.

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