Discover and Tell Your Business Story

Storytelling is the new black when it comes to content marketing. The subject has been covered inThe Wall Street Journal,Huffington Post,Forbes, and on countless marketing blogs. However, while most of these articles and discussions cover the power and benefits of business storytelling, few teachhowto do it, and even fewer do so using relatable business-speak.

In this PRO seminar, business storyteller Ron Ploof will explain how to discover and tell your business story. Using his StoryHow method, he'll share how to transform messages into compelling narratives that persuade audiences to take action, whether it's buying your product, adopting a new concept, or changing their behavior.


Ron Ploof
罗恩·普卢夫是一个作家,演说家,消费意识ltant who helps companies tell their stories. He’s the author ofRead This First: The Executive’s Guide to New Media, he blogs at and is@ronploofon Twitter.
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  • Date:On-Demand — Access anytime!
  • Presenter:Ron Ploof
  • Element:Create
  • Topic:Writing
  • Price:$0


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