With the end of the year comes the compulsion to synthesize what we've learned about the ebb and flow of social media in 2010. Toward that end, John Antonios, writing at the Social Media & Personal Branding blog,has made a listof 100 social media tips to ponder for 2011.

Some of the tips "might sound generic and applicable beyond the scope of social media," Antonios acknowledges, "but that's exactly the point. Social media is an extension of real-life engagement."

Here are a handful of his tips that illustrate that point:

  • Don't plagiarize your identity; find what's unique about you and share it honestly.
  • Work hard to ensure that your branding is consistent online and offline.
  • Express gratitude.
  • Be consistent and committed.
  • Make sure to add value in your communications.
  • Don't fear negative feedback; instead, embrace it, learn from it, deal with it.
  • Define your social media objectives and align them with your overall goals.

Above all, keep in mind that what users want most is a sense of your brand's humanity—how you treat employees, whether your character matches your corporate philosophies, and whether there's pride in the origins and crafting of your product or service. Social media is the perfect medium for expressing that passion—with those who are looking to share it with you.

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