In the time following the debut of Google+, speculation has abounded about its usefulness for B2B marketers. One interesting early perspective came from the UK. Doug Taylor, writing at Collier-Pickard'sInsightsblog, highlighted how three features of the new service could prove useful in the B2B realm.

Might Google's take on these three services help improve your targeting, problem-solving and engagement? See what you think:

Circles.According to Google, "Circles makes it easy to put your friends from Saturday night in one circle, your parents in another and your boss in a circle all on his own—just like in real life." According to Taylor, Circles "screams" advanced segmentation. "I can make tidy little segments like 'prospects' or 'leads' ... and make sure that they only see the messages that I want them to see," he says.

视频群聊。"Until we perfect teleportation, it's the next best thing." Taylor recommends the Google+ video chat system for teamwork. "Clearly the business application for Hangouts is for teams to interact or present new information to one another quickly, efficiently and—most importantly of all—face-to-face," he says. "Sales people could have quick face-to-face meetings with prospects or clients. The list goes on."

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