From its 2008 launch, Kickstarter has become a major funding platform for creative projects worldwide. More than $53 million has been pledged by users who believe in the projects they've seen, and its project success rate is a whopping 43%.

How can that help you? Eloqua has compiledfive marketing lessons worth learning from Kickstarter's success.

Here are four:

Don't underestimate "cool."People who support Kickstarter projects don't get much in return (although project launchers can offer them incentives of varying degrees). The biggest attraction is their desire to be part of something bigger than themselves. To distill that concept a little further: They want to be part of something cool. Make your customers feel that way and they'll happily engage with you—and buy from you!

Know the value of visuals.Project founders must upload a video to Kickstarter explaining their idea, the desired outcome, and its benefit to pledgers. Charisma, creativity, and clarity shine in the videos that get a response. The marketing lesson here? Be entertaining and informative at the same time to get your content to spread across the Web.

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