Art museums inspire visitors by selecting for display—curating—meaningful pieces. Like them, you can engage your customers by sharing quality content produced by others (you give the authors due credit, of course). But how do you know what content to curate? The fine folks at Percolate have created a video (titled "What Makes Good Curation?") to answer that very question.

To help you curate content for your own business, here are four tips inspired by the video, which features interviews with expert curators.

Remain curious.To provide your audience with a steady stream of interesting content, you must be curious about what your audiences are curious about. "I think curiosity is an intellectual hunger and creative restlessness that makes us grow," says Maria Popova, the curator at Brain Pickings. As you grow in your understanding of your industry, curate pieces that share that knowledge.

Make unusual connections.Ever see a piece of content outside your industry that reminds you of your business? Share it. Don't be afraid to link seemingly unrelated items. Just don't forget to overtly make the connection for your audience when you share the piece. "A good curator is thinking about not just acquisition and selection but also contextualizing," says Joanne McNeil, senior editor at Rhizome.

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