正如教育有其3 R(阅读,”罗切斯特理工学院的航拍ing, and 'rithmetic), content marketing has its three E's: engage, educate, and earn. Or so writes Zach Michonski in his Brafton blog article, "The Three E's of Successful Content Marketing." Those E's make it easy for businesses to remember the most important phases of a content marketing campaign.

Engage.Ask yourself what action you want your content to trigger. Then, consider your customers. Who are they? What will move them in your desired direction? "The voice behind the content must appropriately speak to your audience," says Michonski. "The content should naturally match the personality of your audience."

By knowing what moves your audience, you can create the type of content that can engage them.

Educate.Educating your customers benefits not only them but also you... by continually bringing them to your site for solid content.

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