Social media, with all the opportunities for connection they present, continue to transform the nature of the B2B relationship.

As Craig Jamieson puts it in a post at the Maximize Social Business blog, today's social B2B salesperson has more opportunities for connecting with and serving clients than ever before.

Jamieson提供了一个range of suggestions for employing social media to build client relationships.

Here are three unique social initiatives to consider to better serve your clients:

Find opportunities for them.Hey, you're already monitoring social media to find opportunities for your own company; why not surf and chat with your clients' goals in mind? Jamieson suggests you conduct free searches using Google Alerts or Social Mention to turn up pertinent info, or at Sprout Social or Nimble Social CRM for a small fee. "I can almost give you a 100% guarantee that your competitors are … not doing this," he notes.

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