It's no secret that Google controls the vast majority of online searches.

Your company obviously optimizes your Web pages for peak Google performance. But there's a catch: Not everyone searches on Google. And there's a complication: Bing and Yahoo use their own algorithm to rank pages in a user's SERP.

That means you face a decision: Should you bother optimizing for Bing and Yahoo?

In a guest post at MarketingProfs' Daily Fix, Amanda DiSilvestro says the answer is yes. Her rationale? It takes little effort, and it might yield profitable results.

Bing-specific keyword research will take some time, she concedes, but its other differences from Google are minor:

  • Domain age."Bing puts more emphasis on domain age than Google," she notes. "If you have an older domain, you're already on your way! That was easy, right?"
  • Titles.Bing also puts a greater emphasis on title tags; be sure your title includes your keyword.
  • Flash.While Google is fairly hostile to Flash, Bing doesn't mind, and a Flash-heavy site should perform well.

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