As B2B companies get more comfortable with the big social media outlets, success stories are emerging. "In fact, these social networks have proven indispensable to the marketing strategies of wholesalers and other ... B2B companies," notes Felicia Baratz-Savage in a guest post at Brandwatch.

Baratz-Savage offers a quick guide to establishing a vital B2B presence at the Big Three social sites.

Here's a breakdown of what's working for B2B marketers at each site, and how to tap in:

Facebook。"Yes, Facebook is cluttered," Baratz–Savage admits. But it's still the "king of social networks," she adds. Its claim to fame for B2B marketers: Putting a human face on your business. Use it to:

  • Post photos of employees interacting with customers.
  • Show video from your recent community-service project.
  • Operate a lively forum where customers can offer feedback and interact.

Twitter."Twitter's ranks are dense with industry professionals," she notes. Its claim to fame: Eavesdropping. Use it to:

  • Follow prospects to see what's on their minds, and tailor your outreach to them accordingly.
  • Isolate the most relevant conversations affecting your brand by using monitoring tools likeMonitterorTwitterFall. Then jump on in.

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