
Topic: Taglines/Names

Customer Feedback Tools & Need Help With Strapline

Posted bykate.marieon 250 Points
We are a technology firm who has an integrated suite of offerings to automate and enable conformance to best practice customer feedback management including (but not limited to) complaints handling. We deal with people in roles around quality, customer interaction and compliance in anywhere from banks to consumer goods to aged care to health insurance. The things that we do follow:

Enable assessment as to whether a company is performing ‘best practice’ customer feedback management (by enabling them to assess their complaints handling processes against current international best practice as embodied in ISO10002).

Enable analysis of the cost/benefits of their complaints handling processes (via a financial analysis tool for identifying and quantifying the costs of present customer feedback processes, identifying the sensitivities of the variables, thereby identifying aspects needing change and building the business case for that change).

Enable management of customer feedback (via a technology solution with configurable business rules, incident routing and reporting for the capture and management of customer feedback received via all channels, with process transparency for the customer).

Enable best practice email management to generic email boxes (via an artificial intelligence email analysis and routing ‘robot’ to ‘read’ emails and direct them to the right person/mailbox, depending upon content).

The challenge is that they are all fairly mundane in the scheme of things and it is a complex story. I’m too close to things I think but think we may need to bring in the following attributes: best practice (? not sure if people really care!), enabling feedback management, we’re ‘automation via technology’ focussed (as opposed to systems advice/consultative), we sit in a very cluttered field with CRM vendors and complaints handling systems. Would really appreciated any insights!!
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  • Posted byFrank Hurtteon Accepted
    To piggy back on what Mr. Bauman said. I feel the features-benefit story can not be told enough. Further, any information on how your product can be cost justified would certainly differentiate you from many.
    People in our world (technology) tend to think in terms of what the product does. Buyers want to know how will it pay for itself. How would you measure the value (in dollars) to what you do?
    Frank Hurtte

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