
Topic: Advertising/PR

Finding A Pr Company That Specializes In Pitching Products To Consumer Magazines

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points

I am a small business owner looking for a small PR firm that specializes in pitching products (home decor) to consumer magazines for features in editorials. I don't want full service public relations, which seems to be what most companies want to do. I want to know how to locate such a public relations professional that specializes in such a narrow field as this.

When you open any magazine in the grocery store, you will often see features that highlight certain products (depending on the feature) and I'd love to have my products featured there. I have a difficult time finding information specific to this facet of PR as generalized press releases are often insufficient for this.
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  • Posted bytelemoxieon Accepted
    I don't know a lot about PR, but I don't mind making phone calls and asking questions... If it were me, I'd get the names of a few magazines I wanted to be featured in, call an editor, tell them what you want, and ask if they can reccomend a PR firm... or I would buy a few of those magazines, find the names of some of the products you mention, find out the name of the company, call the marketing director at the company, congratulate them on the placement, and ask them how they found their PR firm , and ask them who their PR firm is.

    If you need any sources for research, let me know. Good luck.

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