
Topic: Taglines/Names

Branding Inspiration

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points

i am ambitious and confident that i will get inspired here. we are a startup finding our ways for branding our program (unfortunately as typical startup, very limited budget). It is a marketing programs that will give its members special pricing & discounts from different vendors. I am looking for brand (name, theme, slogan, etc) that will give the members the sound of (valuable, values, uniqueness, style). Trying not to be (discounts, commodity, cheap, ..)

I am looking for inspiration and help from the professional entrepreneurs who like to help people who is trying to find their first steps of starting business in this domain.

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  • Posted bykevin.shoesmithon Accepted
    Value Marketing

    Class Marketing

    Marketing that Makes a Difference
    in the Way You Live


    Marketing for the Way U Live

    ?? for the Way U Live

    Marketing for Unique Lifestyles. Yours.

    Marketing for Your Unique Lifestyle.

    More value for unique people.

    A Class Above

    A+ Pricing
    Valuable discounts for the way you live.

    Preferred Pricing
    The classy way to save

    A better way to save without seeming cheap.

    Frugal with a Touch of Class
  • Posted byLevonon Accepted
    I came across this site last year:

    If you could tailor your offering to entrepreneurs and dominate the search qeury - you may be able to position your site as the go-to-site. With bucket loads of free and helpful content you may be able to pull it off.
  • Posted bykevin.shoesmithon Member
    Here's another suggestion:

    The Marketing Guru
    For Those Who Demand More
  • Posted bykevin.shoesmithon Member
    A couple more thoughts:

    Marketing Coach

    Rewards Marketing

    Best Marketing
    When only the BEST will work

    More Marketing
    more choices ... more ideas ... more value
  • Posted byEdon Accepted
    Hello, Mood - I want to make sure I understand the company and program(s) better, so here are a couple of questions:

    What type of vendors/companies/services offered? Is it a program of various marketing assistance or services?

    Who is the primary target market - what type of memberships or groups? (I worked on a company program/project for employers to offer added value to their employee benefits packages, by providing "member privileges/discounts/offers etc. with a network of local businesses/service providers.)

    It is best to avoid that "commodity trap" as you already know, and it sounds that the "membership privileges" program helps in that way already... If other vendors are involved as the offered services, their specialization and reputations, etc. will also help in presenting/creating real value that is "not cheap" but worthwhile, not focused on price or discounts but on quality, specialized service, etc...

    It sounds like a great start-up! I hope to understand it better to perhaps spark some unique branding ideas.
  • Posted on Author
    Hi Ed,

    wow; You just described (better than me :)) what exactly we are trying to do. The program is for employers to offer benefits to their employee, by providing "member privilages/discounts/offers with a network of lcoal businesses/service providers. The program will be more focusing on creating values for the members, focusing on quality (special services offering, special products or very aggressive discounts) rather than quantity & commodity.

    Which company you worked with?

    [Email address deleted by staff]

  • Posted on Author

    GREAT inspiration.......
  • Posted byEdon Member
    I liked that project a lot, too! I did a smaller version of it before with a different company, so when it came up as an idea at this current company, I knew where to go/what to do/how to do it and helped get it started.

    It's for the mortgage company I work at; we partnered with a company in WA called BenefitIQ - they help by providing the websites, the demo DVDs & presentations (for both employers and vendors), membership cards, newsletters and other materials (I tailored/re-created some materials, wrote articles, etc., for our company)... They are also partnered with the housing assistance and credit management contacts, so they are a "bundled service" partner for us to build our own network of employees and vendors. It helped us get up-and-running faster, since all we need to do is focus on employers and vendors (better termed, "professional partners"), to create the websites for each employer and a page for each partner service...

    Having said all that, are you doing something like that as we are (with a partner who provides the websites, much of the marketing/presentation to build networks locally?), or are you actually in the place of "BenefitIQ" who is the "bundled service" partner, offering the service in providing the access/ability to have a partner create their own networks? What industry/industries is this for?

    The local service networking is a great way to add value to members while mutually helping other businesses generate more leads and referrals as well. This is absolutely a main focus for us as mortgage planners in our local community., how does yours work exactly? I enjoy this kind of "stuff" and hope it works out very well for you.
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Inside Track Marketing
    Top Notch Marketing
    The Marketing Edge
    The Marketing Co-op
  • Posted on Author
    Ed, we are planning to do something similar to your company but focusing in different market- may i contact you to get some feedback on benefit-IQ!.

    杰,我喜欢你的建议,但这是一个考验e to find a domain name or un-taken kind of names. brand names are REAL challenges in this crowded busy world :)

  • Posted byEdon Member
    Hello Mood,

    Yes, please email me (view my profile) and perhaps I can help - I am very interested in what market(s) are involved...

    The BenefitIQ people are also mortgage people; the primary professional partners (ie. "vendors") for us to target are Realtors, then anyone else in home-related services (insurance, appraisals, inspection, etc.) -- then it branches out to just about anyone locally -- it can be a dry cleaner, a cake maker, restaurant owner, auto mechanic... I love this kind of biz - it takes a lot of work but there is so much local referral marketing involved!

    ...Anyway, since BenefitIQ is designed for mortgage/RE, perhaps I can provide insight for you to custom-build yours for your market.

    Also, I'm sure that the right biz/brand/domain name will work out soon. It's definitely a challenge to have that "perfect" and unique name, but it can be done! I think this process of putting it all together will help you.
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks chrispeters..

    I am still trying to find the best name with the theme.

    somthing i am thinking of but not yet found the right one which is around being precious, somthing like precious stones, gems, or a name of a precious stone like onyx, ... (shows some precious values which is the core differentiators for members) what do you think, any thoughts on this theme or other similar ones.....
  • Posted on Author
    well looks like there is no interaction or more thoughts for this from th group.
    I would like to thank you for all the participation.......
  • Posted byEdon Member
    Hello Mood,

    I like the precious stones/gems idea; it's a little more unique and not as "generic" as other names I know of for this type of business. With the right stone(s)/gem(s) association and perhaps an equally good slogan, it will carry a meaningful message which translates the high value of both preferred services and better business exposure -- for members and business partners alike!

    ...I'm sure it will come to you! I'll keep thinking as well...

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