
Topic: Taglines/Names

Want Name

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Hi guys,

Thanks for your suggestions.

I need a Name and Slogan for my ad agency A small online setup with 3 people mainly.

I m designer not a content writer. That's why I m can't think a good name for my ad agency so please help me if u can.

Reply me as soon as possible.


Nishant Sapra

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  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    What type of companies are you trying to attract?
    What types of names appeal to you (and why)?
    What will you specialize in?

    The more information you can share about the specific benefits your company offers potential clients, the better we can assist you.
  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Accepted

    To add to Jay Hamilton-Roth's questions,
    I'd suggest you also ask yourself and your team:

    What other work have we done and for whom?
    Why should new clients hire us and not someone else?
    What makes us different?
    Why do we deserve to succeed?
    How will we tackle a project that's bigger than we'd initially planned?

    Come back to us once you've thought things through a little
    more. And if all else fails, use the last names of your main
    three people and the word Associates, Group or something
    along these lines.

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington DE, USA.

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