
Topic: Career/Training

Using Your Name In Your Business Name

Posted bymelissa con 250 Points
Hi there-
I am currently doing some freelance marketing but am wanting to move it from an on-the-side endeavor to a part-time gig (I'm a working mommy and don't want to work FT). I've been thinking about my business name and wonder if those of you who freelance/marketing consult use your actual name or use a completely different name as the name of your business?

My full name (Melissa Culbertson) doesn't quite lend itself to something like "melissa culbertson communications"-- doesn't quite roll off the tongue ya know?! I thought of coming up with a business name ("insert word here" Marketing or "insert word here" Communications) but don't want to give off the vibe that I'm a small business with more than 1 employee. Does it matter? What have you done?
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  • Posted byFrank Hurtteon Accepted
    I went through the same thing when I started up 5 years ago.

    Here is a thought about using your own name. If you grow, if you ever sell out, if anything major ever happens... your clients will always want you. If you send someone else, they will think they are getting the second string.
  • Posted bymelissa.paulikon Accepted

    Why not just Culbertson Communications? That rolls off the tongue really well.

    I have worked with freelancers who went by their own name as well as those who who had a company name even though it was just them. The one you want to avoid is "Culbertson & Associates." The "& Associates" is usually a dead give-away that it's just you and you are trying to look like you have employees or business partners. (My apologies to any of you with & Associates in your name who really have associates.)

    I named my business The Marketing Survivalist. I am an independent coach and trainer and that name gave the image I wanted. It didn't matter to me if it implied I was independent. (Survivalists usually are!)

    In the same way, "Culbertson Communications" may give the exactly the impression you want if your services all revolve around communications.

    I too have been cursed with the name Melissa. (Is it just me or does it sound a bit "girly"?) That said, in the age of online branding, I am really glad I have a unique name that doesn't roll off the tongue. That way, when someone Google's my name, 70% or more of the hits are actually about me. I don't get buried under a bunch of other people with the same name.

    All the best in your new endeavors!

    Melissa Paulik
    The Marketing Survivalist
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    When you have the option, it's always best to indicate, or at least suggest, the benefit that your clients/customers should expect when they deal with you right in the company name. The more clearly the name expresses your positioning the better. That way you're communicating your positioning benefit every time someone sees or recalls your name.

    You might want to check outRasputin For Hire. The subtitle isAn inside look at management consulting between jobs or as a second career. It has a number of good ideas for someone in your situation, including some thoughts about naming your business.

    There's also a supplemental report that is of particular interest to MarketingProfs folks -- a round-table discussion in which five of the top experts here on the Know-How Exchange share their advice and experiences as consultants. Details when you follow the link in the previous paragraph.
  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Accepted
    Dear Melissa,

    I'm currently in the same boat. Tricksy name? Or my name?

    就我个人而言,我认为他还Communications has a nice ring to it and I'd recommend looking into its availability as a domain name.

    The art (and balance) of naming one's own company, even if it's just you, is never going to be easy. But what makes more sense, to be known as you and the thing you do, or to be known as you and the company name connected with what it is you do?

    I think the latter puts one more layer between you and the client. And if communication and marketing are to do anything at all and do it well, surely it's to be clearly understood?

    I hope this helps.

    Gary Bloomer
  • Posted bySteveByrneMarketingon Accepted
    I am in agreement with above posters that ...

    Culbertson Communications will work.

    as an option, you could go with ...

    Melissa C (the c could stand for communications and culbertson)
    The Melissa C Organization

    hope this helps,


  • Posted bymelissa con Author
    Thanks everyone for your feedback. Culbertson Communications is growing on me!

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