
Topic: Website Critique

*** Need Some Feedback On Our New Website ***

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
Hi there,

We re-launched our new website with a completely new look, which we are certain will appeal to most web users.

It is funky, exciting and resourceful. The site also completely resembles our new corporate identity, as you would see upon downloading our information leaflets and application forms.

Could you please provide some feedback as to what we can do to make it even better.

We already have links to Twitter, Facebook and our contact details are on almost every page, to make it easy for web users to contact us straight away.

I am completely open to your thoughts and ideas.

Thanks in advance :-)
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  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Take a look at Website Grader's report ( for some concrete ideas.
  • Posted byLevonon Accepted
  • Posted on Accepted
    You have a spelling error. Maybe British English is different, I am not certain, but I spell enroll with 2 L's.
  • Posted bytomwanekon Accepted
    Nice looking site. Obviously someone spent a lot of time working on it.

    "Africa" is spelled wrong in the first line as well.

    The biggest thing for me is the font size seems a tad too small. I would increase it. I would also make the main copy the color black and keep it consistent across all pages.

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