
Topic: Taglines/Names

Bright Idea Needs A Little Help

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
we own a solar lighting company, a need in the market came about to truly light up street lights with out compromise, off of solar. So we developed a light and need help branding it. It's cutting edge LED technology that no one else has, (patent pending) it's brighter and cheaper than anything on the market today as well as being modular so we can size it to the needs of the job. I need help branding the light to take it to market, please help!!
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  • Posted on Accepted
    Green = good/go and environmental
    Green light
    Green Lite

    Lite = efficient

    Street = hip and rationally what is is
    Street Lite
    StreetLite (my favourite)

    Sun = solar powered and bright

    Day at night
    Night sun
    Sun rise

    You can see what I'm doing - running two words together to ge a what it is/how it does it combo - don't get caught up in the tech features, concentrate on what it does - the benefits.
  • Posted byjton Accepted
    Agree with Mark here, clever play with words highlighting the 'what it can do' is more appealing to consumers that would mostly already be switched onto LED and Solar solutions.

    Watch out fro infringing copyright and tradenames


    'Ever Bright Sun Lite, it's you Green Right' as a tag line

    Hope this helps
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Solar Streets
    Street Light Up
  • Posted bylindaon Accepted
    Jeremy, by your description of "lighting up street lights", I'm assuming that you'll be targeting the cities, counties, and agencies that own and maintain streetlights, which makes this a type of B to B sell, not a consumer sell. If this is true, don't worry so much about the name. What you need to focus on are the attributes that will make it desirable to the gov't entities responsible for street lighting (i.e., the things you mentioned - low cost; brighter, which means safer streets; modular, which means easier to repair rather than replace). Your targets are the person that makes the purchasing decision and the person who takes the credit/heat for those decisions.
  • Posted bynimbodon Accepted
    I would try a different approach - "invent" a new technology!
    If you say that it's cutting edge LED tech, then add a letter to LED, and brand it as your own - LED-G / iLED / LED-N etc...
    that way, you will attach yourself to a technology and not fight your brand through a sea of brands...

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