Take 10: How to Create Calls-to-Action That Drive Conversions

A strategic call-to-action (CTA) can be the most important part of your marketing deliverables—and can often make or break your conversion rates. However, many still miss the mark when it comes to developing a compelling CTA that inspires response.

In just 10 minutes, we'll reveal the secrets to creating a CTA that encourages the action you're after—whether it's downloads, sign-ups or sales. We'll discuss how to integrate your CTAs into your email program and how to make your CTAs appeal to your customers and prospects without being too pushy.


Kath Pay
Kath Pay of Plan to Engage is an internationally renowned eCRM and email marketing expert. She assists both B2B and B2C companies with leveraging customer insights and data, as well as good old elbow grease (otherwise known as testing and optimizing) to increase their ROI. Using her 14 years of digital marketing/email marketing/eCRM experience, Kath sheds light on how you can make your eCRM and email marketing strategies customer-centric.
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  • Presenter:Kath Pay
  • Element:Create
  • Topic:Writing, Email Marketing
  • Price:$0


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