How to Build Your Podcast Brand

As podcast listenership continues to grow, marketers at organizations of all shapes and sizes are taking notice. With users being able to listen at any time and anywhere, podcasting is an easy way to extend your brand and reach new audiences.

In this PRO seminar, we'll walk you through how to get started in podcasting—from understanding its current state to the mechanics and equipment needed to begin. You'll learn how to develop a podcast that both aligns with your brand promise and engages your audience. We'll also share techniques on how to turn your current listeners into brand advocates, and you'll walk away with actionable tips you can start using right away to take your podcast from good to great.


Nick Westergaard

Nick Westergaard is a strategist, speaker, author, educator, Brand Consulting Practice Lead at MarketingProfs, and founder of Brand Driven Digital. He's spent his career building standout brands at organizations of all sizes—from small businesses to Fortune 500 companies to President Obama's Jobs Council. He's the author of the booksBrand NowandGet Scrappy, a contributor to theHarvard Business Review, host of the popular On Brand podcast, a TEDx speaker coach, and a lecturer at the University of Iowa's Tippie College of Business.

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  • Date:July 23, 2015
  • Presenter:Nick Westergaard
  • Element:Plan, Create, Communications
  • Topic:Marketing Content
  • Price:$0


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