
Topic: Our Forum

Perceived Equity In Online Discussion Forum

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hi All

There are many online discussion forums, but in order to make it sustainable, we need to have enough people to keep continue participate in the forum.

Do you think there is unfair situation in the discussion forum? e.g. some just keep posting questions without contributing their answers.

I would like to know what you think?

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  • Posted on Member
    I'm pretty new to the forum, but I think it is great. There are some really smart people here and I sure benefit from their point of view and experience.

    The level of experience evidenced in the questions varies quite a bit. You just have to pick and choose.

    However, some of the discussions are very thought-provoking and good exercise for the brain. Frankly, some of the awnsers from some of the experts have a lot of value, and they are giving it away.

    There seems to be plenty of people willing to answer about any question, so they must derive some joy from sharing their knowledge. And there are lots of questions!

  • Posted byPepper Blueon Accepted
    Hi Ccheung,

    It is not unfair at all because most experts answer multiple questions per day and use no points do so, instead actually accumulating points for chosen answers, whereas an asker usually just asks an occasional question because if they don't contribute with answers, they run out of points and then they have to pay money to buy more points.

    Therefore, this encourages participation because you can't ask unlimited questions without paying with points earned by:

    1) Answering questions to accumulate points with which you can then ask more questions

    2) Buy points with money

    Thus, this model encourages participation by both askers and answerers.
  • Posted bymichaelon Member
    The value of a forum is that people can ask questions freely. My guess is that if it was required that people answer questions also, the forum would not work.

    The biggest issue in many fora is that people post MLM opportunities. MarketingProfs is by far the best for weeding that kind of thing out.

  • Posted byChris Blackmanon Accepted
    Thanks for the question, CC.

    The key reason for MP/KHE sustainability is the model is right (Pepper Blue explain that above) and there are enough "experts" to contribute answers to keep people coming back.

    I guess if it were really unsustainable, it would have collapsed by now...

    I keep noticing new contributors who post great answers and have only earned a few points so far - hope they stay and keep the vitality here.

    The fact there is relatively very low spam levels in the fora is another key success factor, IMO.

    CC - Is there something you think should be changed to make the forum more successful?

    我认为唯一的可悲的问题的数量"drive-bys" - questioners (I suspect, usually students) who ask one question, never participate in the thread, and never come back for another question. Those people are really missing out. And they don't add as much value to the forum as a regular contributor.

    I don't know any other forum with the dedication and commitment that I see here at KHE, do you?


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