
Topic: Advertising/PR

Agency Efficiency

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I'm VP of an in-house marketing and advertising dept. The company is rapidly expanding and so is the work load. Our agency is located in the southeast and our company has approx. 12 satellite offices that we interact with on all levels. I need an objective eye to analyze our operations, efficiency and determine what is working and what is not. Are we using the best systems? Are communications getting to everyone? I have no idea where to go for help. Any recommendations for consultants or consulting firms on such an issue would be appreciated. Thank you.
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  • Posted bynarthuron Accepted

    当我离开广告/媒体世界你们几个ars ago to take my award-winning turn-around strategies and tactics to the market my focus was on fast-growth companies who have 'hit a speed bump.' Because of the ad industry's travails, we are only just now beginning to see that model this year...and it is good to see (fast growth, not the bumps)!

    We may be able to help. Check the profile for my contact info and we can chat offline to see if there is a fit. Good luck.

  • Posted byReadCopyon Member
    I'm confused by your original question, you seem to want to know if you are operating to your best level of effectiveness across your own business and between your agency.

    If this is what you are trying to achieve, then the best thing to do would be to research your own staff, start a quarterly survey to gain their insight to how the business is run, how management work and whether they feel motivated, trusted and have the right tools to do the job :-)

    Done this a number of times in companies of different sizes and all have benefitted from it.

    The very best of luck.
  • Posted byFrank Hurtteon Member
    It would help to know the industry you are working in...

    If you are working in Distribution... give me a call i can help..

    Frank Hurtte

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