
Topic: Other

Doing The Basics Right

Posted by Anonymous on 200 Points
Over the past 12 months we have been through a lot of change - our CEO left, most of our senior management team has changed and we have recently rebranded.
The sad part of all of this is that we have never been good at communicating with our clients and these changes have unsettled a number of our top clients.

To try and reverse this, we are looking at developing a tool (leaning towards a newsletter-type tool) to just say hi to our clients again, introduce the new CEO & new brand and try and elicit some suggestions from our clients on how to improve our communication and our service.

Many of our clients are elderly so one thought we have had is to let them know that the newsletter is available in large print - thereby hopefully making this a more welcome communication.

If anyone has any suggestions on what else we could look at doing to enhance our communications and basic client service, I'd love to hear from you.
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  • Posted byPepper Blueon Accepted
    Hi Rachael,

    The people that senior citizens trust the most is.... senior citizens.

    如果你的CEO是“白发”,肯定会有帮助a lot. If not, you might want have some of the more senior executives become the face of the new message to this group, especially if you do what mbarber suggests and bring the message to the people.

    Senior citizens are very wary of fraud and do not like change and complexity and when confronted with it turn to their children, and their close friends, for advice.

    So, if you can pull or target these people into your message you will instill even more trust and confidence.

    Good Luck!

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