

Bulk Marketing Email Solution

Posted byjoeclarkvideo10on 25 Points

I am researching for a solution for a small business client of mine (restaurant) on a marketing email package. My client is looking for a single email address (we own the domain so we just need to set some MX records) to where we can send bulk email of around 2500 items per day. We generate our own email with the marketing material (usually a promotion for a new platter, drink, or event coupon) and need the ability to send it to our email list (users who have volunteered to sign up for the marketing).I went through many resourses Marketing Solution Video in search of help but did not find much.
What does Rackspace have to offer as a solution for my client? We basically need an SMTP connection to be able to “trickle” 1 email every 3 or 4 seconds when doing a mass email send through Outlook (via an Access program) to our list of 2500 recipients.

Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
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  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Accepted
    Mail Chimp
  • Posted bychiron34on Accepted
    Gary is on the money here. But if you are using WordPress for your site, you might like to look at MailPoet, a plugin from the WordPress armoury.
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    For what you're doing, be sure you're not using a shared hosted server. That'll dramatically reduce deliverability rates because of the shared IP.

    There are a number of third party Rackspace/SMTP dedicated servers that you might explore, including:,,, and
  • Posted bynanatali37on Accepted
    I use Atomic Mail Sender ( most of times. MailChimp seems to be a little too expensive for me.
  • Posted byShelley Ryanon Moderator
    Hi Everyone,

    I am closing this question since there hasn't been much recent activity.

    Thanks for participating!


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