
Topic: Branding

Competitor's Domain With Similar Name

Posted by Anonymous on 80 Points

I found tonight that an existing competitor of ours already has a domain that will be similar to what I was proposing to use, although the main words will be switched around and an "and" will be replaced with an "n"; i.e. will be

Do you think I should abandon the domain name altogether and go with something different or can I use it to our advantage someway?

Appreciate the help guys!!

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  • Posted byilanon Member
    I would abandon it, because there might be some legal implications as well.
    If you will use a similar name, they may sue you.
  • Posted byGail@PUBLISIDEon Member
    In addition to the legal ramifications, I would choose another name simply to set yourself apart from the competitor. Make your own mark in the industry!
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    If you're thinking of the name as your primary website name, don't do it. However, consider using the potentially confusing name it as a redirect to your primary site as a guerrilla marketing e-trick.

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